Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dude You Are Getting a DELL! in France!

No matter what PC you getting consider this, Dell! You might think I'm boring telling you stories about Dell, in fact because I have been using Dell in my office since 1998, they are simply marvelous. From desktop to bureau pc, they have their class on their own. Why would I say that? Have you ever had problem with your desktop? I have in fact and instead of carrying your whole desktop to the computer shop, they come and fix it for you. Imagine in France, everything is so pricy, would you travel around to get your PC fix? Yes if you are in city, but what happened in small towns? Well, you got it dude! You are making a great choice because you are getting a DELL in France!

This post is sponsored by the number one computer brand in the world and France, DELL.

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