Thursday, December 18, 2008

United International Pictures (UIP) 2009 Preview

I had a lovely 2-3 hours of UIP 2009 upcoming movies screening today at GSC Signature Mid Valley today. As invited guests, we were shown exclusive footages of upcoming movies such as G.I.Joe, Watchmen, Star Trek, Monsters Vs. Aliens and many more....

Invited by my fellow clients, I would say the few upcoming movies are exploding blockbusters...
We were shown raw and incomplete footages of 20-25 min from movies like Watchmen, Star Trek, GI JOE and Monsters Vs. Aliens.

Since I'm a big movie goer, I will give you guys some spoiler.

From the director of 300, this movie is a dark tale of superheroes.

We were shown of scene, where a retired superhero is killed by a masked man. Yes, superheroes in this movie can eventually be old and can die.

Another scene is the birth of Dr. Manhattan, the only superhero that has supernatural powers. He was so frustrated with the war in this world, he left to planet Mars.

There's also a scene where 2 superheroes combined to rescue another superhero in jail. Mostly fighting sequences...

Nothing much on GI JOE... a long sequence of the good guys pursuing the bad guys... Characters look streamy hot in this movie. Its no longer USA of GI JOE, more to anti-terrorist plot.

Star Trek
Believe me or not, this is the movie I MUST WATCH. Forget the old style Star Trek, this one is a brand new one.

There was a scene where James Kirk when he was younger before he became a captain, loves to find trouble, drinking and flirting where he was invited to join the Enterprise.

Sylar of Heroes became Spock and how he and Kirk wasn't getting along. John Chu ( Harold of Harold and Kumar series) is another awe character in this movie. Simon Pegg (the "sohai" of Shaun of the dead) also in the movie.

Trust me one thing about this movie, its so different from the usual Star Trek. Fast paced and lots of actions. Lots of bad guys... and one bad guy that the chicks will love, Eric Bana...

Monsters Vs. Aliens

This movie is another super funny movie. Its hard for me to describe but the movie itself was hilarous.

What I could say is, its at least ON PAR with Madagascar... or better than it...

As... we waited, we thought we were given special treatment for Transformers 2, but nothing are shown.

Looks like 2009 is going to be an exciting movie year after all.

1 comment:

Simon Seow said...

Wah, so nice ah you can go watch trailers.