Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Love My New Car

Finally I got my new car last week. After weeks of delay and hiccups, finally I received my new baby.

There are so many features in this new car. The salesperson had to step by step taught me how to use the functions. But my most favourite function of all is...

my car1

... the built in Bluetooth system. I can call using my car! I have no worries of charging my Bluetooth handsfree set now. On top of that, I can also upload my address book into my car.... It can receive call not just from my phone but also can store memories of 10 bluetooth users!

my car2

Well, now I have eat bread and porridge for years to have this baby. No matter how, I love my new car! :)


Cynful Pleasure said...

wow.. just on time for the big day!!! Have a nice celebration ya!

nemesisjazz said...

damn lan si to have new car

EVo said...

FUIIIIH can see logo only. can i see d whole car picture onot?

btw added ur link on my blog ady bro. thanks!