My high heel salsa shoe, 2 inches high...
Lady's shine with Terence giving tips...
Choreographed with Terence...
The judge, the jury and the convicts... Mike gives out the names of the moves, Terence looking on for our faults, we are the executioners...
Its Saturday! We were supposed to go to Divan at 2pm. Mike asked for lunchy but we were full so went there straight reaching around 2.30pm. Mike already started with Steph, Ru Yee left and we straight away hits the combinations moves. The first fews are really hard. I really tried very hard to memorize all the steps, it didn't work! After an hour of practice, came Tim and Tamie. They tried the music with the moves, things got really worst, I was very disappointed. Seeing me being upset, we moved aside and start to choreograph with Mike and Steph. Earlier on, I called Tony to buy some Sneakers and some 100 plus. We had a break around that time. At 4pm, I am still stuck somewhere, Tamie came and calmed me down so do Tim. Tony still stucked with the combination moves, I practiced with Tamie. What can I recall is when Laney came, I managed to memorize the steps completely. Laney came with the flu. Steph was very sick at the moment, she rested aside, really poor Steph. Ru Yee came exhausted and started to practice with me and Mike. During all this time, the beginners came ard 2 plus and the advance class came around 3 plus. The advance class practice till 3am since Friday night. We practiced until 6pm. We had our horrible dinner at Kiwi's until 8 plus. From 8 plus until 10pm, I was very tensed and I had heated arguments with Rachel as well. Sorry dear, I was too "kan cheong". Terence came with 1901 hot dog and Mike told him the changes and we did a final practice before the arrival of the star. There are quite a number of people surprised at how we danced, do not envy, we are born salsa dancers.. To be continued.....
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