2008 has been a rowdy year for me. Lots of happiness and some sorrow as well. Listing a top 10 unforgettable moments of 2008 is not an easy task.
The List Goes...1.
Meeting Tun Dr. Mahathir in Harbour Park, Langkawi. It started as a joke when Joyce mentioned that Tun worked at The Loaf at Harbour Park. However it turned out to be more than a joke. He was there. I am proud to meet him in person and that makes it no 1 in my list. There's no doubt about it.
SW, Tun, Rachel

Party Of the Year!Its actually my sis engagement party. Good to know that finally she got engaged (phew). I am very happy for her.
Family pic...

Oris 2008 Go-Kart!I finally won something after all! Even though I'm like 10-20 kgs heavier than the other racers, I managed to get a top 10 ranking out of 80-90 racers. The best part, is my team won the best team of the day.
SW and Rachel

The trophy and the top 10 helmet...

Well, Rachel was the fastest lady on track as well. She got a special trophy. Now, she got a reason to fly her car?
White Water Rafting @ Slim River.My perception on water rafting changed after the day was over. It was so fun. Tired but really enjoyed it to the max.
SW trying to get balance...

My First Heli Ride.It was a last minute decision to go to the event. Well, it was all worth it. I felt like a small kid trying to get a ride. I wished I could fly longer but oh well, I will have my chances!
SW in heli overlooks KL city

My First Trip To Beautiful Redang IslandAnother last min decision and it was amazing. Seeing is believing. Redang Island was amazing! Paradise like! I will go again next year. Its definitely for me to go again.

CNY Gathering @ SW HouseThere is nothing more fun than having your friends together at your own place. This year's CNY gathering was a great success! Meeting friends that I've not keep in touch for years. I enjoyed the moments...
The gang...

Yee Sang!!

What I can wish is next year will be a bigger party!
My Younger Brother's Works My younger brother works in Los Angeles as a 3D modeler. His works are shown in Hulk, The Earth That Stood Still, Meet Dave, Bedtime Stories, AVP 2, Wanted and more. So at times, we have to wait for the credit rolls and wait for his name. Sometimes it might take more than 10 min just to wait for his name. Well, seeing his name credited on big Hollywood films are something that I am very proud of him.
Xmas Party 2008!When friends get together for another party, it will be only fun fun fun. This time around, a really small party with few close friends. This is the first time I have a Xmas party. I think we get the hang of it and we might going to turn this to be an annual affair...
Rachel, SW

The girls..

Best Dressed ManThis is one of the biggest surprised I had this year. I never blog about this yet. It happened at 10th Anniversary Havana E-Studio party where I was selected to go up the stage for a costume party. When the host asked me who are you trying to impersonate? I answered... "Kung Fu Panda..."
And just like that, I won a night stay at Westin KL.
Lena, Rachel, Tony, SW, Steph

I guess those are my top 10! I hope I can get a top 20 next year. Happy New Year Everyone!